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Writer's pictureTodd Johnson

Skill Transfer-Learning Mastery

Skill Transfer – A True Mystery Revealed

As I travel the country and interview potential partners for yet another quality contract I am alarmed at the misunderstanding of the most important ingredient of any correct training curriculum for successful organizations. The mysterious art of: Skill Transfer.

I ask several questions over and over to determine whether or not a particular organization properly deploys this technology:

What data both quantitative and qualitative do you utilize to determine the best practices in your practice?

What data both quantitative and qualitative do you utilize to determine the primary missing skill ingredient in your developing leaders?

What action steps do you deploy to Skill Transfer the identified best practices into the developing leaders?

Too often I am met with, “Huh?” That is just not okay.

I rephrase my questions:

How do you determine who has the abilities you want in the weaker leaders?

How do you identify what you want to improve in your weaker leaders?

How do you give the weaker leaders the abilities of the stronger leaders?

I hear them quite frequently light up and say, “Oh! We listen to them and then roll play with them when we hear they need help. Sometimes we even work right in front of them so they can watch!” Right after this comment the leadership typically folds their arms, leans back and grins so that I can soak up their wisdom and enjoy.

Don’t get me wrong, the various senior leaders that I have met have very sharp project IQ’s. They speak their craft like a second language and get the business of teaching by and large. But the vast majority of them do NOT understand how to correctly establish developmental systems that encourage correct transfer of abilities from one employee to another. It’s a very simple rinse, lather, repeat process that truly works and works GREAT if it is consistently and correctly deployed.

Let’s imagine in our minds our facility. Who is the best employee in the center? If your mind flashed to one or two super stars that have a special place on your balance, then you are incorrect. The answer is simple. Your entire staff! The entire facility is more effective than any one employee. I don’t mean to compare success based on simple numbers and the center’s ability to out produce in unit degrees vs. a single employee. I mean that since no one employee is perfect you will find that throughout your organization best practices lurks in every category!

Here are abilities and traits that we measure in the individual employees:

Who is best at?

• Attendance

• Attitude

• Team Spirit

• Willingness to Change

• Aptitude

• Focus

• Honest Efforts

• Ingenuity

• Project Analysis

• Staying on Project

• Feedback

• Tenacity

• Personality Profiling

• Voice Inflection/Tonality

• Rate of Speed

• Preparation

• Style

• Ethics

• Dependability

• Trend Analysis and Tracking Management

• Documentation

• Conflict Resolution

• Confidence

• Dream Building

• Adaptability to Culture Confusion

• Physical Effort

• Innovation

• Quality of Work Results

So, do you have just ONE employee that represents the absolute BEST at every one of these traits and skills? Maybe you have a unicorn that represents a great deal of them, but by in large you will find the BEST Practice of each of these traits is often displayed in the most unexpected individuals on staff.

If you run a quality organization then your team displays ALL of these attributes at one time or another via various employees. Skill Transfer is simply the developmental technology used to transfer the A+ skill of a particular trait into the employee that does NOT have an A+ in that trait. What you must consider:

Can you prove that your Employee is actually BEST Practice (this is critical)

Does the object trainee have the trait IQ, willingness to learn this trait from you (this is critical)

Are you prepared to deploy an effective Skill Transfer training process (this is critical)

How do you discover and PROVE a particular employee is BEST Practices?

First things first. What do you want to teach? You have weaker employees, correct? Can they all learn? Are they all willing to learn? What one thing do they need to improve most? Ask yourself a question. What should you teach 1st, 2nd or 3rd? Once you understand the potholes of ability and how they stack together you can develop a more effective order of operations.

• Company Rules, Policy and History

• Business Tools, Phones, CRM, etc.

• Project Knowledge

• Project Application

• Problem Solving

• Metric Analysis

Was it something like that? If so, why did you select that order? Why not jump right into the art of the Metric Analysis? You must have felt that your new employees needed to have certain information in a certain order so that they could logically progress in their effectiveness. So start at the beginning with data collection and find out if you have failing grades in the basics. Do you want someone getting better at their Project Application if they are a c- or d+ in Project Knowledge? You are setting yourself up for chaos and fraud issues that may or may not rear their heads for a while.

Test your employee in:

Company, Rules, Policy and History in several ways

· Written or online testing

· Have them write an essay about the company incorporating all of the basic details

· Have them meet with you or your trainer and interview them about the company

The written test will let us quickly understand pockets of misunderstanding. The essay will show us if they have creative character or possess interesting relational skills while cementing the information into long term memory. The Interview will stress the importance of accuracy in this area and drive the employee to internalize the data deeper.

Product Knowledge

· Written or online testing

· Give them random scenarios (3 – 4). Have them write 100 + word essays to ascertain their actual understanding. Have them describe the project, features and outcomes in variance

· Have your employees conduct an oral report of at least one of their papers in front of the team.

Once again, the written testing will let us quickly understand pockets of misunderstanding. The essay answers will force the employee to think on a 3-dimensional level with regard to project content and communicate to leadership their deeper understanding of the details. The oral report will allow us to see if the employee is confident, has social anxiety, can laugh at themselves etc. It will generate connection and empathy from the team and you will find it a bonding exercise as well.


Did you identify any c- or d+ performance in any of the fundamental traits and knowledge base? If so, stop here and begin documenting what you are missing. Don’t put the employee in general population until you have improved grades in these areas. You should have c+ or b- scores at minimum. Average is acceptable. The average population will always be average. If your average were all A’s then A’s would now be the new C. So, seek the average and then begin skill transferring to the lesser qualities to raise your team’s ability, but note that you will never be done developing your team to the next A standard (or rather…C)

As the group grows in ability it simply raises the bar and now, we have a new average. A is outstanding. That means rare. Claiming that a large portion of your employees are above average would not make sense. That simply means your standards are confused or low. Achieving a c is not a black mark. It simply means that your employee is performing at the average production expectation of the general population for the moment. Hopefully you will raise the abilities of your entire staff and have to recalibrate your grading system.

Let’s assume that everyone on your team is average or better in the elementary information: Company and Project. If that is so, then what’s next? What is the first skill we should evaluate for initial productivity?

This is your call, but I will give you an example based on a sales paradigm. You should take the process and adapt it to your particular business situation.

(Example Only: Affecting the Sales Employee)

Before we can pitch, we have to attract a prospect to pitch to. Therefor this is the next item on our list to evaluate. Now that we are beginning to evaluate the beginnings of selling efficiency, we will need to reach for two types of data to determine any potential weakness(s).

Quantitative: Data we can count

· Call time

· Number of Dials

· Average length of calls

· Number of Pitches

· Number of Leads generated

· Attendance

· Training hours vs. Calling hours

· Objections handled

· Decision Makers on the Phone

· How many Gate Keepers on the phone

Qualitative: Data we can sense, hear, feel

· Were we on project scale 1 – 5

· Were we confident scale 1 – 5

· Were we accurate scale 1 – 5

· Were we smiling scale 1 – 5

· How was our posture scale 1 – 5

· Did we respond quickly scale 1 – 5

· Were we at our desk scale 1 – 5

· Phone transfer well scale 1 – 5

· Did we transition well scale 1 – 5

· Did we over promise scale 1 - 5

Get your scores and analyze your data. I often ask leaders on the sales floor, “What are you doing?” The ones that have been trained by me will typically give one of two responses:

· I’m encouraging my team to build energy and effort!

· I’m in the middle of Skill Transfer activities to develop technique mastery.

Me: “Okay, Mrs. Skill Transfer who are you focusing on?”

Her: “I’m going to transfer improvement on barging Gate Keepers in Carol.”

Me: “What makes you believe that she needs that skill?’

Her: “She tests average to above average in basic company and product skills. After reviewing her quantitative and qualitative data my leadership team and I agree that she scores c+ in dialing activities, attitude, confidence and accuracy. She gives up on the Gate Keeper 3 out of every 5 calls. We have reviewed her tapes, counted her failures to barge the Gate Keeper and based on her combined data she scores at an F + on our company accepted average curve of expectation. This is the next step in development so we hope to improve her ability to the average general population performance before we review anything else in her.”

Me: “You are hereby promoted to Queen!”

Let’s review the tools we can use to determine efficiency in Lead Management and Lead Generation:

· Written or online testing

· Dialing reporting analysis –calls, gate keepers, DM’s contacted, call time etc.

· Qualitative reporting analysis

Taped Calls

Taped Roll Playing

Visual Analysis – Posture, Confidence, Rate of Speech, Team Spirit, Focus

Written testing will help us gage whether or not the employee understands the characteristics we need. Maybe they just don’t know to smile, or speak up, or what rebuttal to use for the gate keeper. Taped calls allow us to hear them and get a clear picture of broken practices. Just as important however is a mirror. We need to document what we see and note it. QA is out of pocket and can’t see the bad posture, tired eyes, or the split focus. Note the details and get grading.

How did they do? Are they average or above average according to the quota of general population standards? Remember don’t change the standards for new people. New employees simply have lower grades not a different grading system. Train to the target. Don’t have multiple targets.

Let’s imagine that our female Team Leader has identified a skill level of F+ with regards to Gate Keeper barging. We will now need to seek the BEST consistent example of this skill. Which employee or individual in the community has this skill? Did you hear me? Who exemplifies the BEST practice of Gate Keeper barging in the ENTIRE sales environment? Are they on your team? Are they working for the company at some remote location? Do they work for a cooperative partner? Are they a sales coach consultant? Look through your entire sales environment and identify this person.

The exact measurement tools that you used to determine LOW practices you must use to identify BEST practices. Quantitative and qualitative data needs to be collected. Many managers will say things like, Tom is my best. He is? How do you know?

Him: “We listened to him and he sounds perfect and gets through the gate keepers often.”

Me: “Okay, how many gatekeepers does he convert to DM based on a %? How many Gate Keepers does he barge in ratio to talk time, dials, and category? Is he better at Auto Repair leads then he is with Massage Therapy leads? What is the length of his trend? Is he consistent or sporadic?”

Him: “Wow, I don’t know. He sells a lot and we listened to 5 of his calls and he sounded great?”

Me: “Sounded Great isn’t BEST practices. Perhaps he is very confident with specific categories. Perhaps he is off script. Perhaps he was feeling super confident that day but is intermittent. Maybe someone else with much less sales success is barging Gate Keepers at a higher % vs. dials and connects but is awful after the transition to DM. “

So, what are your Employee Energy, Effort and Technique requirement attributes? Make a list of your own and break them down into component groups. Be specific:

· Practical Education

· Attendance

· Attitude

· Vocabulary

· Leadership Acumen

· Technical Aptitude

· Software Literacy

· Skill Transfer Literacy

· Project Strength

· Teamwork Aptitude

· Culture Dynamic(s)

What are your graded and monitored skills and/or abilities that you expect each of your various team members to demonstrate? Imagine every characteristic necessary to accomplish the job: including but not limited to physical, mental, emotional and philosophical abilities/skills.

What are your efficiency markers? In other words, how well should they perform to achieve an “A” in each of these categories? What is the average performance expectation in each category? What is a failing grade?

Once you have established your components and markers then you need to divide your components into evaluation style(s).



We will monitor these groups differently. We will need to record Qualitative via recordings: audio – video or tangible referral.

We will need to gather our Quantitative via digital track or reporting documents. Remember we will consistently be gathering evaluation components. Our roles as Senior Leaders are two-fold:

· Influence

· Develop

Anything else changes our actual role and ultimately our relationship to the company. We are not waiters, sitters, or wardens. Our Job Description is that of Coach. We guide and teach. Those marching orders require that we develop mastery in the art of skill transfer and generate respect and influence. So, get ready to see your team through new eyes.

Data and metric evaluation support our commitments to standards of success in individuals. We can NOT move average skills into low performers. Ultimately, we will never get better than the current state of average if we keep trying. We need to be looking for BEST practices in every component of the business process daily, weekly, monthly. Detect them, document them and then refresh them with new examples consistently.

What is the best that can ever be done? It will be a long time coming and a very rare experience indeed to ever arrive at that answer if we are consistently challenging ourselves to innovate, investigate and communicate new ideas and skills. Think of the runner that beat the 4-minute mile. That became the new BEST practice until someone clocked in at 3:55! At that moment a new average was established and the current C’s became C-! Currently the world record is 3:43. High school kids have run faster than 4 minutes!

Now, how do we transfer the skill of the BEST practice into the LOW practice?

Skill Transfer Process

EXPLAIN – Can’t teach a mind that isn’t open

DEMONSTRATE - Visual, Tactile, Audio driven demonstration resonates learning

ROLL PLAY - The mind retains knowledge in application and modeling

OBSERVE - Good instruction requires a trained ear and eye to evaluate

FEEDBACK - Did they accomplish the transfer? If not, adjust and repeat

A friend of mine was a top-ranking officer in the United States Marines. I explained to him my Skill Transfer philosophy and he responded with, “Well of course! The military has the most efficient Skill Transfer system in the world, and they deploy the EXACT same process to teach survival, combat and technical processes.”

He went on to explain how the US Government will seek the best fighters in the world to come and gift their combat prowess to specific trainers in the branch. They ask themselves the questions:

· Are we capable of better tactics?

· Who has the best example of combat technology?

· How do we transfer their understanding to our teachers?

The first stage of transfer is to gage the effectiveness of a particular branch or government’s fighting technology and ascertain through data if it is better than ours. If so, why is it more effective? We then seek to have those details understood and transitioned into our combat DI’s.

Perhaps we are learning from the Israelis. They will bring their TOP instructors in and:

· Explain WHY their technology is effective and help us understand what they are going to teach

· They will demonstrate their tactics so we gage the end result

· They practice their art with us

· They have coaches that watch, observe and document our ability to perform

· They report on our success and/or opportunity for improvements – we then are invited to repeat the process over and over until we have achieved successful transfer

The High School teacher understands that the following action steps are necessary for long term education to take place:

· Class Room lecture or explanation of course content to orientate the student. (explain)

· The teacher will typically use books, videos or white board explanations (demonstrate)

· Interactive stage: reading lab, homework assignment, report process (roll play)

· Written or Oral evaluations via testing, oral reports (observe)

· Grading System with corrections and suggestions (feedback)

Best Practices is typically assumed to be the teachers themselves, authors, or professionals in their fields.

Here is a Skill Transfer model to help your leadership understand the Skill Transfer system in a fun way.

The SKILL of Juggling!

Purchase: 3 cans of tennis balls

Collect at least 25 + students into a room (find out if someone in your room knows how to juggle at least a little before the class. You will find that 1 -2 of them will be based on normal statistics)

Claim: I am going to teach 3 of you how to juggle today. The expectation is that we should get this done over the hour we are here together, but the actual learning time shouldn’t take more than 20 minutes!


“First off, who here knows how to juggle at least a little? If you do and you help me I will pay you $20! “

Watch the hands go up. You will find that at least 2 or more will raise their hands for the cash. Invite them to come to the front and ask the crowd to guess who is the best juggler? After they make a few guesses, ask the volunteers who thinks they are the best? Why? Document their responses on the board. Then ask the group again, who is the best?

After a few more guesses, have them demonstrate their skills. Make them juggle. Who was most skilled? Ask the crowd who is best now? Have them do it again. Have them juggle a 3rd time. It should be evident who is BEST based on what’s on the board, their confidence and their demonstrated skill.

Establish the BEST volunteer and invite the others to sit down. Now introduce your volunteer as BEST practices. Ask your class to help you understand how we came to our decision on who was the best. Explain the difference between qualitative data and quantitative data.

Quantitative Data:

· Who juggled for the longest period of time

· Who juggled most consistently

· What % of the 3 trials were successful juggling examples

· Who had the longest period of juggling experience

Qualitative Data:

· Who seemed most confident about their juggling skills

· Who stressed that they had the best experience

· Who’s juggling looked most efficient

· Who seemed to have the balls under control best

Explain to your class that we can only teach to the limit of our skill. Average can only make average. If we want to be outstanding then we must find an outstanding example. Ask your class if they were in a position to earn a $100,000 prize for being the best juggler in this class would the skill of our volunteer be enough for you or would you consider outside help? You have now helped your class understand the benefits of looking for best practices in their entire environment and not just their group!

We have our BEST Practice Volunteer.

Now bring up 3 random volunteers and tell them that if they juggle at least 3 balls for 3 rounds then you will give them a $20 bill! Do they want the cash?

Remember, you don’t need the skill to transfer the skill. If you can’t juggle you are LOW practice so you’re not the demonstration of the skill simply the vessel of Skill Transfer. You are the conduit of learning but the juggler is the visual aid.


Interview the juggling BEST Practice Volunteer (BPV):

· What is the basic philosophy or concept of juggling

· Break down your practice into simple stages for us

· What should we learn first, second, third

· What should we know before we move on to the next stage

· Is there anything that we should keep in mind

Juggler: “Juggling is simply throwing a ball in the air and catching it with the other hand. Regardless of how many balls you throw, you only throw and catch one at a time.”

Juggler: “Things we should learn in order:

· How to throw one ball 3 feet into the air in an arch and catch it with the other hand while keeping your eyes on the horizon

· How to throw one ball 3 feet into the air in an arch and while that ball is 2/3 in its trajectory, throwing a second ball with the other hand through it in an arch. Catch the first ball and then in a moment catch the second ball with your other hand.

· Repeat the process over and over in rapid succession

· How to throw one ball 3 feet into the air in an arch and while that ball is 1/2 in its trajectory, throwing a second ball with the other hand through it in an arch. When that first ball is caught and the 2nd ball is in air, throw a third ball through that ball in an arch and catch the 2nd ball and then in a moment catch the 3rd ball with your other hand.

· repeat the next process over and over in rapid succession

What you should keep in mind: Keep your eyes on the top of the arch and aim your balls where your eyes are. Wherever you look is where your balls go. So, if you look down your balls will go to the ground! Focus on finding a rhythm. 1 ball up…2nd ball up…1 ball caught…3rd ball up-2n ball caught…1 ball up…”

Thank your BPV and ask your volunteers to document what they heard the BVP share on the board. Did they understand the explanation? Did they retain the information in an exact manner? If not have the BVP fill in the blanks and get the information on the board.


Have your BVP show the 1st stage of juggling to the group.


· How did he do?

· Did it look hard?

· Explain to us what the BVP just did?

· Could you do that?

After the volunteers have responded to your questions have them try to relicate the 1st stage.


Let the volunteers try to throw one ball in the air and catch it with the other hand a few times.


· How did you do?

· Do you believe that you accomplished the task as well as the BVP?

· What do you believe you were doing wrong?


You and the BVP watched the attempts, right?


Ask the BVP what they did well. What did they need to improve? Document the answers on the board for each volunteer individually.


· Did the volunteers accomplish the task

· What is the current state of their skill is it A, B, C, D, F

· What are you using as a criteria for the average

· Did you consider the BVP in the average calculation

· Did all of the volunteers make the same mistakes

· Can we correct the problems in all of them or do we need to fire one of the volunteers

· What data did you use to arrive at that decision?


Past Experience

· The BVP said that they are right on track with typical learning curve

· The mistakes they made are easy to correct

· They want to continue to try

· ???

After the feedback phase you should have one of three choices to make:

· Repeat the entire process – explain, demonstrate, roll play, observe and feedback stage 1

· Move forward to the next stage

· Fire one or more of your volunteers

In training your Skill Transfer decisions should be based on a cadence of

· Teach

· Watch

· Evaluate

Don’t move employees forward into the next class if they aren’t done with the first stage of understanding to the average level of expectation. You work with them until they are all C’s!

Once you feel confident that they understand the 1st stage of juggling, simply repeat the process for stages 2 – 5 in the EXACT same way. You have your BVP demonstrate and then Questions. As soon as you are clear they understand the task shown, have them try. Watch them and take notes. Evaluate their performance critique and repeat if necessary. OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER until they demonstrate the skill in its entirety for at least 3 rounds.

If two of your three volunteers get the practice and one is still far behind.


· How is their confidence

· How is their attitude

· Are they close to the end result

· Do they demonstrate the possibility of truly understanding the technique

· Are they willing students

· Are they listening or beating to their own drum

More questions:

· What is their current state of juggling effectiveness compared to average

· Do they make common mistakes

· How much practice got us to this level of effectiveness

· If they need more practice, can we have them demonstrate their understanding in stages after practice in 30-minute increments

· Who would be best to analyze their state of skill the BVP or the BVP and the trainer

· What does the trainer bring to the table that the BVP might not

· What data can we use to measure our success

· What tools can we use to collect our data

One of the most important aspects of this exercise is to push your students into the mindset that data fuels clarity and understanding and that we don’t make any decisions we don’t fully understand. If someone said, “Can you pick me up after work today?” Your response should be based on data such as:

· What time do I get off

· What time do you need to be picked up

· How far from me are you

· How long will it take to get to you

· Where do you need to get to

· How long will it take me to get you there

· Do I have a planned event afterwards

· Will I have enough time to pick you up, drop you off and get to my planned event

· Do I like you (VERY important)

You, see? Data drives decisions. I love to ask “WHY?” It is a terrific question when gaging what the support data actually is that stands behind a particular decision. Why are they the BEST? Why are they the WORST? Why do you want to let them go? Why do you want to hire them? Why are you doing that, this or the other? Data – Quantitative and Qualitative always be gathering and analyzing it to determine who has what you want more of and who needs more of what you have access to.

If you have done each of the described activities in your module of Juggling you will now have one BVP experienced Juggler and at least 2 reasonable beginner jugglers that didn’t exist before! Your class will have been walked through the process of Skill Transfer concepts and will have their minds opened to this very interesting learning process. However, no one will walk away adept at the process. Why? Oh, there’s that word again.

What aspects of Skill Transfer did you conduct with this module?

· Explain – You discussed it. You lectured about it. You asked questions about it.

· Demonstrate – You used a visual experience to demonstrate its proper use and effect

Now what will need to happen for your students to finish the transfer process of learning the Skill Transfer process?


· Who is BEST practice at Skill Transfer (You? Me? Someone else?)

· What aspect of the transfer process do we still need to train through

Roll Play



· How could we engage our students into a Roll Play with regards to the Skill Transfer process

Have them attempt to Skill Transfer something to someone

· How could we engage our students into an Observe stage with regards to the Skill Transfer process

Observe the mechanics of their Skill Transfer session

· How could we engage our students into a Feedback stage with regards to the Skill Transfer process

Give them a report on their session and offer them a grade. If lower than C, then have them repeat the whole process with corrections.

There is NO way to effectively give someone your talents and skills without effective Skill Transfer. That is the secret. When someone changes its because they have attempted to take learning from another, but a bad copy of a bad practice is awful and a bad copy of a good practice is bad. So, the art of moving learning from one outstanding individual to a lower producer is not a mystery but rather a simple and mechanical process. Give a great teacher who can NOT do and I will show you someone that can still produce OUTSTANDING employees. All that is required is that there is at least one outstanding employee to leverage.

So, what did you learn? You learned nothing. I hope you were entertained, but you have learned nothing by reading this document. Real learning will take place if and when you try and put it into action. You will need some way to gage your effectiveness and then you will need to have correction direction and re-attempt your scenario.

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